Leap SchoolHouse's Chinese Speech & Drama class put up a very nice and great efforts show for the Daddies & Mummies today...
A skit titled : 小科斗找妈妈
Our dear Nikole is non-other but the 小科斗。。。 We really had to acknowledged the great efforts rendered by the teachers .. the stage, props, customes, makesup.. all done by the teachers and kids!.. awesome!!
Thank you Fiona 老师 & 甜甜老师! Nikole really had much to talk about today! :)
By the way ..saw that Caucasian peeking behind Daddy?! .. after we are done with taking the pic for Daddy and the Rabbit.. the Caucasian immeidately step forward and self-snap a pic of him posing beside the Rabbit over his iphone.. MEN... HAHA
Nikolas torn off JieJie's Cinderalla sticker that was pasted on the wall of her bed side...
The torned sticker sticked onto Nikolas's shirt.. after much effort of wanting to remove it; and still failed.. he went banging his head to show us his signing of 伤脑筋呀!
Nikole self-proclaimed that she composed this song ... She wrote the lyrics... and start singing to her dear Ah Pei Yiyi... (Ah pei yiyi- thanks for capturing the moment for Mummy.^_^)
Came back from Ms Paula's class today to find this bag of surprises for me & Nikolas!
A nice surprise gift from Philip Jiu Jiu!!
Thank u very much !! I loves my shoes v. much.. but Didi's leg is too big.. can't squeeze in to his.. Mummy had it passed on to Baby Lucus. :) Anyway, we really apprecaite the great thoughts! Thanks thanks thanks!!