Mummy created a blog for me at since I was born...

now with the new inclusion of my little brother,

we have shifted to this new blog -,

to continue sharing with all our happenings...

stay tune! ^-^

December 18, 2010

Winter Solstice - 冬至

Traditionally, the Dongzhi Festival is a time for our family to get together and enjoy the process of making and eating of Tangyuan (湯圓) or balls of glutinuous rice, which symbolize reunion.

This year, we celebrated the festive season earlier so as to meet all family members common timing..

The festive food is also a reminder that we are now a year older and should behave better in the coming year.... ^-^

Last year, Nikolas was still in Mummy's tummy.. and today he can demand for his share of big drum stick!
How far times flies...

Screaming and crying for his drum stick when we decided that he had enough of it..

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